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听力原文:American colleges and universities consider a number of things about a student wh

听力原文: American colleges and universities consider a number of things about a student who wants to be admitted. Experts on the subject say the most important thing is the student's high school record. Admissions officers look not only at the grades that the student has earned. They also look at the level of difficulty of the classes.

A student's interests and activities may also play a part in getting accepted. But in most cases another consideration is how well the student did on college entrance exams. This week in our Foreign Student Series Program, we discuss two of these tests: the SAT and the ACT. Most American schools accept either one.

The SAT measures reasoning skills in mathematics and language. Students have almost four hours to complete the SAT. The newest part is an essay. Students have 25 minutes to write an answer to a question.

Students may also need to take SAT subject tests in areas like history, science and foreign language.

The ACT is an achievement test. It is designed to measure what a student has learned in school. Students are tested in mathematics, English, reading and science. A writing test is offered but not required. Without it, the ACT takes about three hours to complete. The essay part adds 30 minutes.


A.The grade of the ACT or the SAT.

B.The high school the applicant studied.

C.The high school record.

D.The entrance examination.

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听力原文:Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being abl

听力原文: Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being able to do what I want to do." When Americans think of freedom, they often think of individualism.They see themselves more as individuals than as members of a family or social group.

In American culture.freedom means equality.The Declaration of Independence states that"all men are created equal."That does not mean equal in abilities or status.For Americans,equality refers to equal worth and equal opportunity. Every individual should have an equal chance to improve his life.True,America has not always lived up to that ideal.For many years,Native Americans,African Americans and immigrants have protested their unequal treatment. But American culture still teaches that people can work hard and fulfill their dreams.Whether this idea is true or not,people hear rags-to-riches stories often enough to confirm it in the minds of many people.

Freedom arouses strong feelings for Americans.The idea of liberty binds people together in this"land of the free." However,problems still exist.One individual's freedom can conflict with the rights of others. Someone once said,"You have the freedom to swing your fist around if you want.But your freedom ends where my nose begins."People can also become too concerned about their own rights.They might demand special treatment.However,the path to freedom is not completely smooth.Even so,for Americans,no other road is really worth traveling.

What do Americans often think of when thinking of freedom?



C.Social group.




听力原文:During the early American colonial years, corn was more plentiful than wheat, so

听力原文: During the early American colonial years, corn was more plentiful than wheat, so corn bread was more common than wheat bread. Friendly Indians showed colonists how to grow corn and how to prepare it for food and pioneer women then improved the Indian cooking techniques. When people traveled, they went on foot or horseback, sleeping and eating in the forests. They carried corn bread for sustenance. The corn bread came to be called journeyeake. Later when roads and taverns were built and stagecoaches carried passengers, journeycake became johnnycake, a name many easterners still use for corn bread. The kinds of bread made with cornmeal were and still are almost without limit. Every region has its specialties.

From the start, southerners showed a preference for white eorm:neal, northerners for yellow. And pioneers on the frontier, when they ran out of yeast, made salt-rising bread. They stirred together water, a little water ground cornmeal, potatoes, and salt. They set the mixture, uncovered, in a warm place until it absorbed bacteria from the air and began to ferment. Then they removed the potatoes and used the liquid as leavening for their bread, made with white flour.


A.The colonists preferred corn bread.

B.Corn was more abundant.

C.The colonists did not know how to make wheat bread.

D.Corn bread did not spoil as rapidly as wheat bread did.



听力原文:To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. A

听力原文: To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. At that time the French dreamed of discovering and controlling more land, of expanding trade beyond their borders and of spreading their faith across the world. In 1535, Francois I, King of France, ordered a navigator named Jacques Cartier to explore the New World and search for a passage to India.

Cartier first arrived at the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, which he wanted to explore. He did not know what to expect but he hoped that this Gulf was just an arm of the ocean between two islands, if it was, be would soon be on his way to the Far East. So he sailed upstream along the St. Lawrence River. However, instead of reaching Asia he arrived at Quebec or Stadacona, as the Indians called it. It was at this point that the term "Canada" entered the country's history. Apparently the word "Canada" came from an Indian word Kanata, which means community or village. Cartier first used it when he referred to Stadacona or Quebec. What a huge village Canada is!


A.To build a new country.

B.To explore the New World.

C.To get in touch with the American Indians.

D.To know more about France.



听力原文:An American study found, on average, a child watches between four and five hours

听力原文: An American study found, on average, a child watches between four and five hours of television each weekday, and ten hours on Saturday and Sunday. It was also noted that a typical child watches 25, 000 hours of television before his or her 18th birthday. In the life of Children, watching television is a significant sensory ex perience. Many children easily spend more time with the box than they do with any other form. of entertainment. Each year children read less and less and watch television more and more. In fact, Americans of all ages watch more television each year. The typical child sits in front of the television about four hours a day -- and for children in lower socioeconomic families the a mount of time thus spent is even greater. In either case, the child spends more time with TV than he or she spends talking to parents, playing with peers, attending school, or reading books. TV time appropriates family time, play time, and the reading time that could pro mote language development. Watching TV is a passive event. Children and adults, remain completely immobile while viewing the box. Most viewing experiences, at least among Americans, are both quiet and non-inter active. All attention is given to the images. Just like the operating room light, television creates an environment that attacks and beats the child; he can respond to it only by bringing into play his shutdown mechanism, and thus becomes more passive. Children arc often hooked. A highly active child will remain inactive while watching TV because that is what the medium requires. To morrow, we shall talk about violence on TV and its effects on children.


A.Children's IQ and TV.

B.The whole amount of time children spend watching TV.

C.The effect TV has on learning.

D.The amount of time the average child spends watching TV.



听力原文:The best interview is one in which there is two-way communication between the emp

听力原文: The best interview is one in which there is two-way communication between the employer and the job applicant. Often there is some "small talk" at the beginning of the interview, which is actually very important, because the applicant's answers may indicate how easily the person can converse. A job seeker who appears unfriendly or unsociable may not be offered a position, even if the person is the most qualified. Employers look for people who seem to be likeable and easy to work with as well as technically competent.

The first few minutes of the interview are very important when it comes to making a good impression. A smile and handshake are expected after the job applicant walks into the prospective employer's office. In addition, the applicant must pay attention to certain areas related to personal appearance. During the interview, a supervisor or manager will ask the applicant questions that must be answered fully but without excessive detail. It is important to watch the employer's face for nonverbal cues as to whether enough has been said.

Some people may have difficulty answering certain questions because of their cultural perspectives. In cultures where humility and modesty are virtues, the question "what are your strengths" could be embarrassing. In many cultures, like several Asian cultures, people are taught not to talk or boast about their individual accomplishments. Yet, during an interview, an employer often wants the job applicant to talk about his or her accomplishments. In an American interview, applicants must learn to present themselves in the most positive light. This is a challenge for many people from other countries.


A.The applicant who is dominating the interview can easily get the job.

B.Those who are both sociable and competent in technology are welcomed.

C.Small talk can help the interviewee to appear friendly and sociable.

D.The employer can judge whether the applicant is qualified or not from "small talk".



听力原文:Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar nightmare for many compulsive shoppers.
And contrary to popular opinion, men suffer that nightmare nearly as often as women. A new survey finds that both genders are almost equally likely to suffer compulsive buying disorder, a condition marked by uncontrollable, unnecessary and unaffordable shopping sprees. Researchers used to estimate that between 2 and 16 percent of the US population suffered compulsive buying disorder, and that 90 percent of sufferers were female. But a 2004 telephone survey of more than 2,500 American adults found that 6 percent of women and about 5.5 percent of men are compulsive shoppers; that's more than 1 in 20 adults. The sexes do not shop at the same aisles though. Experts say that women are more likely to binge-buy things like clothes or gifts for other people while men tend to buy expensive electronics. This survey is the first to find such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population. Study authors hope that this finding can convince doctors of how many people are hurt by the disorder, so they can make finding a cure a priority.

How many people of US population suffered compulsive buying disorder?

A.2 to 60 percent.

B.2 to 16 percent.

C.20 to 60 percent.

D.16 to 20 percent.



听力原文:Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering a

听力原文: Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very muddy, this is not done. A guest in a Chinese house never finishes a drink. He leaves a little, to show that he has had enough. In England, a guest always finishes a drink to show that he has enjoyed it.

We must find out the customs of other races, so that they will not think us ill-mannered. But people all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially those older or weaker than ourselves. If you remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do. He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind, never cruel, either to people or animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front of the queue. In the bus, he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing. If he accidentally humps into someone, or gets in their way, he says "Excuse toe" or "I'm sorry".

He says "Please" when making a request, and "Thank you" when he receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not talk toe much himself. He does not talk with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.


A.In some European countries.

B.In some African countries.

C.In some Asian countries.

D.In some American counties.



听力原文:A sheep is eating grass. A.B.C.

听力原文:A sheep is eating grass.






听力原文:Wang Fang is good at math. A.B.C.

听力原文:Wang Fang is good at math.




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