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Which is wrong about medial geniculate body()

Which is wrong about medial geniculate body()

A.belongs to metathalamus

B.receives lateral lemniscus

C.receives medial lemniscus

D.relay station of acoustic pathwayproject to transverse temporal gyri

更多“ Which is wrong about medial geniculate body()”相关的问题


Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?A.The method involve

Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?

A.The method involves giving the learner stimuli in the form. of prompts.

B.The method involves praising the correct response or publishing incorrect response until the right one is given.

C.Mother tongue is accepted in the classroom just as the target language.

D.Emphasis is laid upon using oral language in the classroom; some reading and writing might be done as homework.



Which of the following descriptions are WRONG about the M600 power supply modules?()

A.PCWAS: Support the +24VDC input and is applicable to the CWU and SMU.

B.PCWAS: Support the -48VDC input and is applicable to the CW

C.PCWAH: Support the -48VDC input and the voltage ranges from –40V to–57V.

D.PCWCS: Support the -60VDC input and is applicable to the CWE



About fan and power of ZXCTN62006300 devices, which of the following is wrong?()
A.ZXCTN6263 fan can only run at full rate and cannot slow down.

B.Execute Show powerfanstate to check working state of power and fan.

C.Execute Show fan-speed to check running state of fan.

D.Execute Set fan-speed full to set fan to run at full rate.



About judging whether MAC address entries of PTN device are normal according to networ
k situation on site, which of the following is wrong?()

A.Execute Show lacp sys-id to check MAC address of local device rack, which is just the static MAC used for basic configuration of the device

B.Execute command show mac to check service MAC of peer device.

C.Execute command show lldp neighbor to display MAC of local device port, interconnected peer device port and its rack.

D.Execute show arp to show arp entries, which mark mac address and interface.



About commands for querying OAM related alarm and status, which of the following is wr

A./ nCommand for 6263 device platform. to query OAM alarm unifiedly:/ nEnter hidden mode to execute command diag exec mp master cmd showtmplsmegalarminf xx. Here xx is meg index.

B./ nCommand for 6100 device to query status of OAM packet received by FPGA: diag mode mp master showfpgacount 8.

C./ nCommand for 9000 device platform. to query OAM alarm:/ nEnter diagnosis mode to execute Diag mode mp master Showtmplsmegalarminf xx. Here xx is meg index.

D./ nCommand for 6263 device to query status of some MEG actual alarm in OAM drive module: diag exec mp master cmd showmegalam 2.



Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()

A.teacher-guided correction

B.group correction

C.focus correcting



- Excuse me, is this the Sale's Department?- _________A:I'm afraid you have th

- Excuse me, is this the Sale's Department?

- _________

A:I'm afraid you have the wrong number.

B:You are wrong.

C:What's wrong with you?

D:What are you talking about?



What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? I think the following would be gener
ally accepted.

First, the teacher s personality should be lively and attractive. This does not rule out people who are plain-looking, or even ugly, because many such people have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, sad, cold, and frustrated.

Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy, a capacity to understand the minds and feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, the minds and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the weaknesses and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again

especially children, to make mistakes.

Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths and limitations, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be guided. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to put on an act to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or award praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life.

A teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-discipline and self-training, for we are none of us born like that.

Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect; there is always something more to learn about it. There are three principal objects of study: the subjects which the teacher is teaching; the methods by which the subjects can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching; and by far the most important the children, young people, or adults to whom the subjects are to be taught. The two fundamental principles of British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is best acquired through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner.

S1. Plain-looking teachers can also be admired by their students if they have


S2. The author says it is S2 that teachers be sympathetic with their students.


S3. A teacher should be tolerant because humans tend to have


and to be


S4. A teacher who is S4 will be able to make his lessons more lively.


S5. How can a teacher acquire infinite patience?


S6. Since teaching is a job no one can be perfect at, it is necessary for teachers to keep improving their knowledge of the subjects they teach and their


S7. Teachers most important object of study is


S8. Education cannot be best acquired without S8 between the teacher and the learner




Which statement is wrong?()

A.Chinese put into practice Gather Dining System

B.Occidentals put into practice Individual Dining System

C.Westerners love to share food

D.Everybody can share the food of all over the table when eating Chinese food



What does it really mean to "like oneself"? For one thing, it means a girl isnt obsessed w
ith her physical【C1】______ . She is not absorbed in the【C2】______ that her teeth are slightly crooked, or that she has a great many freckles. Physical qualities are far from being the whole sum of【C3】______ . Some of the most beautiful girls I have known would never be able to get into a beauty contest. And【C4】______ , some beauty contest winners have been the worst【C5】______ candidates for establishing a good relationship with a boss. Girls who think that boys like only the prettiest girls are looking at the wrong boys. Those who are hung up on how beautiful a girl is are not good candidates for boyfriends in any case. Many【C6】______ of a girls relationship with herself can get the way of successful dating. There are girls who have personality problems of different kinds, like those who are in such extreme(not the usual)rebellion against their parents【C7】______ this situation becomes very nearly the most important thing in their lives. Others are in constant【C8】______ with their brothers and sisters and that absorbs their【C9】______ . Others have strong guilty feelings about things they may have done, and cant lift their eyes above the high walls which these feelings have erected between them and the world.【C10】______ there are the lonely girls, usually painfully shy. All these types have the poorest prospects for going out with boys.






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